Where are we headed
As a nation and a people
Have we become cattle
Guinea pigs, sheep,
unwitting victims
in a comatose sleep,
bought and sold
with a governments assistance,
left in the cold
without whimper or resistance -
please tell me because I want to know
the gist of their plans,
the girth of such goals
and how long will it take
before they demand our souls?
Manifest Destiny, Eminent Domain,
Gentrification an ongoing game
for corporate developers
and the powers that be
to stake their claim,
take our lands and our homes,
consort and conspire
with global gnomes,
please, tell me, I'd like to know,
what else do they plan,
what are their goals,
how long will it take
before they claim our souls?
No-knock laws are in vogue,
the IRS a piratical rogue,
invasive regulations,
economic and health strangulation,
confiscation of herbal vegetation,
fast food chains under assault,
what is sold and what is bought -
the rule of law seems out the door,
Miranda rights aren't read to the poor,
what's there to believe anymore-
decrees are doctored
edicts reshuffled,
the average citizen conned and hustled,
please tell me it isn't so,
I need straight answers,
I want to know,
what's their agenda
their long-range goals,
how long will it take before they rule our souls.
Gradually rights are become diluted ,
seat belts and helmet laws,
smoking bans, gun restrictions
shredded ballots in dumpster bins
and garbage cans.
Where are we headed as a people
as a nation.
Freedom of speech newly defined,
Democrats, Republicans one of a kind,
two separate bodies sharing one mind,
has Independence become a crime,
please tell me - I need to know,
is evil good and Justice blind.
High courts over-ruling parental rights,
raids taking place in broad daylight,
and under the blackest hue of night,
please tell me - perhaps you know
their long-range plans,
the hidden goals,
the timeline set
for them to rob us of our souls.
Together we stand divided we fall;
if not one for one and all for all
then who can we blame
for tightening controls,
bipartisan legislation full of loopholes,
please tell me because I don't know,
what else they will do
to legislate our souls.
Are you braced for the coming storm
where tongues are tied
and minds lumbered down
and prayer denied;
privacy becomes like Swiss cheese full of holes
the Internet and cell phones
the Emperor's new clothes ...
Where are we headed as a people - as a nation,
Please tell me because I don't know,
the bent of their plans,
their far-reaching goals
or how long it will take
before we surrender our souls.
Have we become cattle, laboratory rats,
Frankenstein experiments
a database of stats,
and some how believing coal dust is snow,
Please tell me, I want to know
who's on the payrolls,
who's footing the bill,
curtailing our freedoms
and trading off our souls.
Where are we headed as a people - as a nation.
Will we wind up on the ash heap of history,
due to power, greed and bastardized liberty -
bought and sold - left in the cold
because of poorly written scripts
and B- movie roles,
that keeps us in dark dungeons
and dumbing down our souls.